An agreement between players, parents, and coaches.

We are more than any single player, we are a group of like-minded dreamers who share these same values. If you are ready to strive for the kind of soccer program we are trying to build, please join us!

Our Mission

To enrich lives, connect communities, and encourage a passion for self-improvement through play and small-group soccer instruction for children regardless of race, gender, creed, or ability.

Our Goal

To provide children an opportunity to develop superior life skills through team play, sportsmanship, top competition, and hard work.

Core Values

Respect, cooperation, hard work, positive attitude, and enjoyment of the sport


Expectations for Parents

Your encouragement and good example will do more to ensure good sportsmanship and self-discipline than any other influence.

Agree with the vision of Soccer Skills Academy

While winning is important, playing well, having fun, and growing to become well-rounded human beings is the essence of why we play.


  • For other athletes: With respect, we can create a positive competitive environment that challenges our athletes and makes everyone better.

  • For ourselves: We can only improve our own skills when we respect ourselves enough to believe improvement is possible!

  • For coaches: Trust that your coaches have the best in mind for their athletes, but know that even coaches may have opportunities for personal growth. If you have a comment, concern, or suggestion for a coach, please discuss all issues with your coach privately and at a time away from a game.

  • Our facilities: Pick up trash and help us take care of the spaces that allow us to play our sport.

Support Your Child and Other Players

Support your child by giving encouragement and showing interest in his/her team. Help your child work toward skill improvement and good sportsmanship in every game. Teach your child that hard work and an honest effort are often more important than victory.

Children learn more by example than by criticism. Work to be a positive role model, and reinforce positive behavior in others. Applaud good plays by others on your child's team as well as good plays by the opposing team. Do not criticize any child’s performance from the sidelines. Teach your child to be gracious in victory and to turn defeat into victory by learning and working toward improvement.

Don’t be a Sideline Coach or Ref

Refrain from coaching or refereeing from the sidelines. Parents who shout or scream from the sidelines often give inappropriate advice at the wrong time. Exceptions to this rule exist, as age-appropriate redirection from parents is sometimes needed for our younger athletes, of course!

Remember that your Child Wants to Have Fun

Your child is the one playing soccer, not you. Children must establish their own goals - to play the game for themselves. Let your children experience the fun of playing as well as the challenge of excelling.

Be a Creative Contributor to our Community

By registering for a Soccer Skills Academy program, you are becoming a member of our community. Responsibilities include:

  • Doing your best to make youth sports fun for your child, and other players.

  • Continuing to teach your child about the mission and values of Soccer Skills Academy.

  • Building a positive sporting experience for everyone by being a proactive fan, assisting with coaching, or providing snacks or transportation.

  • Dream of ways to make this program EVEN BETTER and share those ideas with coaches, parents, and your league director, Coach Leanne Smith.

I hereby pledge to provide positive support, care, and encouragement for my child participating in a Soccer Skills Academy program by following this Parental Mission Statement Pledge.